Once again, it has been a very long time since I have updated my blog—over a year actually! But, it is high time for an update!
Last year I received a scholarship called the Darmasiswa Scholarship. It is offered by the Indonesian Ministry of National Education in cooperation with the Department of Foreign Affairs. With this scholarship, I was able to take some Indonesian literature classes at Universitas Indonesia from September 2008 until May 2009. It is a great opportunity, I recommend anyone interested in learning more about the Indonesian language/culture to apply! http://darmasiswa.diknas.go.id/english/
I am currently teaching English at Lazuardi Global Islamic School in Cinere, right outside Jakarta. I teach elementary and junior high English. It is a bilingual school and I am enjoying my time there very much.
Another activity is volunteering with Nurani Dunia Foundation. I mostly volunteer teaching English once a week to kids in a kampong in central Jakarta.
I have also been doing some translating :) Indonesian to English of course:
That’s all for now!